University of Totonto Stroke Program Header

From Sept-Dec 2013, I was a research assistant for the University of Toronto Stroke Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. I helped out with some site design as well as some promotional work in my spare time.


A draft header for their informational webpage. It was presented in meetings to convey concept, and I coded it into a functional HTML map. I believe the final version was a task given to the IT staff.


The Virtual Community of Practice by the Stroke Network. I just made a simple purple button to their training module to replace a misguiding URL.

January 2014 Imprint Graphics


I volunteered for two issues of Imprint in January. These were published online and printed in the hard copy version of the paper.


For an article about failed New Years Resolutions:
(pink and white backgrounds to choose from)

pink background alternate

For an article about a new intern protection plan against work hazards:
